Monday, April 30, 2012

Dead Fly

Disgustingly wonderful! There were a bunch of dead flies on a window sill that I maneuvered into position so that I could use my macro with the extension tubes. I couldn't get the shutter speed fast enough with the light available to not have any camera shake even though I was on a tripod with mirror lockup. There were too many fans close by that were shaking the room just enough so that a 1 second exposure left a blurry picture. I tried using the flash on the camera, but it looked awful. I looked around to find something to diffuse the harsh light from the flash and found a piece of plastic, but that didn't do much good. So looking some more, I found the perfect item to make a huge (compared to the fly) softbox; a common table napkin. I spread it in front of the flash, out over the fly and above the lens and it worked perfectly.

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