Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Old Cameras

I accidentally found AP-T Camera Repair when I turned around in a parking lot and saw a camera store out of the corner of my eye. They were closed at the time, but I put the address in my GPS so that I could come back the next time I was in Albuquerque. The next time was a few days ago; however they had moved, and it took me a little bit to find it. I am glad I went to the effort because the people there are so nice. (It's interesting to me that the two places that I have asked to take pictures in Albuquerque, both of them have been very friendly. Not like other places where the people look at you weird for wanting to take pictures of barns. Or ask "can I help you" when I am obviously shooting on public property.) The lady showed me her collection of old cameras, and even let me take pictures of them. I think these old cameras are very interesting. I know that if this was the technology that was around today, I would not be enjoying photography like I do. It doesn't look easy to take a picture with a camera like this. I rely heavily on my LCD screen which gives me instant information of how the picture looks. I have been interested in photography since I took a class in high school, but film and prints were so expensive that I couldn't get into it until I got a digital camera.
Here is the address of AP-T Camera Repair: If you are in Albuquerque then I suggest that you stop in for a camera, used lens, a repair, or to see the cool camera collection.

It makes me wonder what these cameras have seen.

1 comment:

  1. those are so beautiful in their antique way! That is cool that the old lady let you see them!
