Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I am in Tucson again, and as I am taking pictures of the fountain right outside the hotel, who should show up but three of the neighborhood favorites, 3 javelinas. I hear that they are not very nice, but how can you not love a face like this one. It was all I could do not to go up and hug it. NOT. They didn't seem too afraid of me even though I was about 10 feet away. I'm just glad that they didn't try to attack me 'cause I would probably have to climb in the fountain so that they couldn't get to me. They liked to eat the rose bushes and stayed there for a few minutes before a car scared them away.



  1. you should have taken one and eaten it!

  2. A really strong urine sack is what kept me from doing just that! These are considered large rodents rather than pigs.
